





1、厢式货车;洗衣机、电脑桌、小冰箱、双人床垫、电视机、电视柜 两门;三门柜子,钢琴等。承接各种企事业/单位搬家搬场、库房搬迁, 居民搬家。货物运输、个人或企业的零活或整包等搬家货运服务,对所有高档家具、空调、钢琴、大型机器等具有专业人员拆装及搬运, 24小时为您提供搬家、货运、配送、长途等多种用车服务。
1. van truck; washing machine, computer desk, refrigerator, double mattress, TV set, TV cabinet two doors; three doors cabinet, piano, etc. Undertake the relocation of enterprises/units, warehouses and residents. Cargo transport, personal or enterprise odd jobs or packages and other moving freight services, all high-end furniture, air conditioning, piano, large machinery and other professional disassembly and handling, 24 hours to provide you with moving, freight, distribution, long-distance and other vehicle services.
2. Golden Cup Car; specially for students, workers, office workers and residents who have little luggage and simple furniture to provide small-scale convenient moving freight service. The car is clean and tidy, and the car is in excellent condition so that you can use it safely, comfortably and reassuringly. It can pack tidy boxes, knitting bags, computers, washing machines and computer tables. It is more convenient to move with a trolley. It is an ideal choice for small-scale moving. If you can't take a taxi, it's not cost-effective to find a cart to move.

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