





1. Loss of value is minimized: 80-90% of new furniture, appliances or other items can be sold in second-hand markets such as salted fish, the old can't go, the new can't come;
2. Give them rebirth value: you can donate old things to friends who need them, or donate them out. For clothing donation, we have always wanted to do, but we have not found a reliable and best way to make it less commercialized, temporarily unable to carry out, but for consulting our relocation customers, even if the more items they have, the more we charge for relocation, we often recommend them the way to donate clothing for public welfare, which is indirect. Let's do public welfare.
3.“扔”才是科学的:对于大部分人而言,一直奉承着“节俭”的优良传统,“扔”对应着浪费,但“扔”在某些方面才是科学的。如牙刷用得越久,刷毛积存的细菌也就越多,从卫生角度上来说还是应该定期更换,目前主流的做法仍是依照美国牙科学会(ADA)的建议:每3~4 个月至少需要换一次牙刷;再如枕头应该是每1~3年就更换一次,因为又旧又脏的枕头容易滋生霉菌、螨虫,引发过敏或者呼吸道疾病,所以,有时候一阶段的“扔”才是健康生活的开始。

3. "Throwing" is science: for most people, they have been adhering to the fine tradition of "thrift", "throwing" corresponds to waste, but "throwing" is science in some aspects. For example, the longer the toothbrush is used, the more bacteria accumulated in the bristles. From a hygienic point of view, it should be replaced regularly. At present, the mainstream practice is still in accordance with the yinchuan.89ix.comzhengzhou.89ix.comjinan.89ix.comtaiyuan.89ix.comchangsha.89ix.comnanjing.89ix.c

omrecommendations of the American Dental Association (ADA): toothbrushes should be replaced at least once every 3-4 months; and pillows should be replaced every 1-3 years, because old and dirty pillows are prone to mildew, mites and allergies. Or respiratory diseases, so sometimes a phase of "throwing" is the beginning of a healthy life.

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