





1. 不可空手入屋
1. can not enter the house empty handed
On the day of moving, the first time you walk in, you must take some valuable things in your hands. With a rice bucket, a deposit book, or a red bag with 138 yuan (a lifetime), it is the first time you walk into a new house, and you can't walk in empty hand. It means that the future of this family will be very substantial and that more and more wealth is meant.
2. 入宅后不再装修施工
2. no longer after the home decoration construction
Don't move, can try to compartment, hammering, where you can do what?. Once you move in, try not to build up any more. It's OK to move things. If you want to try to do so, it must be.

3. 家有孕妇不搬家
There are 3. pregnant women who do not move.
If you have to move, you can ask the pregnant woman to go back to her home for a while before moving into a new house. Pregnant women try not to take part in the whole process of moving.

4. 要择吉日,时间一定要午前
4. must choose an auspicious time to noon,
Good day, good day, see the lunar day to move into the house, beware of red gram to range, is the home of members of the zodiac. Time to move as far as possible to the noon, because before noon is called after noon is called Yin Yang. Try to move in the sun. If you can combine images to determine the specific time that is icing on the cake.

5. 新屋要"火庵"
5. new house "fire nunnery"
Before moving in the first three days, the home lights should be all lit, bright three days and three nights, bright to you third days to move in, this is called the fire nunnery. The night means that the fire is shining. On the one hand, it was flourishing, and the home began to flourish for three days. On the one hand, the air began to circulate, and then it went down, and it was not good to ask him to go away. "Fire nunnery" originally means that before building the house, it was a similar ceremony to make some fire on the unsoil land. If we buy a building company's house, we don't know how the other party was doing "fire nunnery" at that time. So you can do it with the above methods.

6. 当天或事后请客
6. the day or after the invitation
入厝当天请客,如果当天太忙可事后选个日子请客。 或者呢,搬了新家之后,常常请好朋友来泡茶也可以。让家里人气更旺一点。
Enter the house on the day of the invitation, if the day is too busy to choose a day after the day. Or, after moving a new home, a good friend is often invited to make tea. Let the family be more popular.

7. 搬家时要亲自在场
7. to be present in person when moving
Be there yourself. Do not only help the people to help move. If you move in person, you know, it will not fall.

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