





Moving attention is also different, moving attention before moving, you can know, very helpful for moving. The relocation of goods transport is not a simple thing, if you are choosing to move the company responsible for the home handling work, of course, will save a lot of time and energy for you, but some of the work and the content you want to do, so as to facilitate the smooth, open happy heart out.
记得大家搬家时必须告知搬家公司搬运物品的数量及尺寸。贵重物品应当自己保管好,特别的大型家具,及大概的重量和体积。 空调机的拆装以及家具的拆装。特别搬运时候,遇到大件物品自己不能进行打包要及时向搬家公司反映,能否帮助自己物品打包、能否提供纸箱。无电梯、电梯是不是能容得下大面积的家具(像床垫和沙发这些),单件物品楼层费用,是指在有电梯状态下,物品过大不能运用电梯搬运。而必需运用楼梯搬运的物品。还有要注意搬家时候,深圳搬家公司的车辆能否到达自己住宅的楼下,如果不能到达务必向搬家公司说清楚不能到达的距离并谈好因距离产生的费用。
Remember when you move, you have to inform the moving company about the number and size of the goods to be moved. Valuables should be kept by themselves, special large furniture, and the approximate weight and volume. Disassembly and assembly of air conditioner and disassembly and assembly of furniture. Special handling, encountered large items can not be packaged, timely to the moving company to reflect, can help themselves pack, can provide cartons. No elevator, elevator can accommodate a large area of furniture (such as mattress and sofa), the cost of a single piece of floor, refers to the elevator state, the goods are too large, can not use elevator handling. And it's necessary to use stairs to carry things. Also pay attention to moving time, Shenzhen moving company's vehicle can arrive at the downstairs of their own residence, if you can't arrive, be sure to tell the moving company clearly can not reach the distance, and talk about the cost caused by the distance.

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