





What are the customs of moving?
1, to move into the house until a Feng Shui: the phrase "Kyrgyzstan to learn, so a reminder date is a must. Usually moving should choose "water" day, better do not use "fire" day, Yang day choose Yin, Yin day with Yang chen. A more auspicious day whether family Zodiac at.
2, to move into the house auspicious route: first observe the route before the move, to avoid the attention of yin and Shaqi heavier place, such as the way to hospital, churches, funeral homes, prisons or temples should take a detour, if not avoided, may be in the moving day and red.
3, in order to move from the perspective of Feng Shui: pay attention to Feng Shui, moving first to start from the kitchen, in the kitchen and boil a pot of water, to the "fast, bonanza" effect; then move master bedroom bedding, clothing, and then move the second bedroom supplies, the moral of the.
4, move move timely carry Feng Shui taboo matters: list of "full" red paper full of rice jar or m barrels, but also with a meter, a soil and a bottle of water to the new home, in order to prevent the move some people or pregnant women should not miss home The climate does not suit one.; witness and participate in the family moved appropriate, or it will violate the child of God; not in the house moving day nap, otherwise a rush of the apartment, the health is also very unfavorable.

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