





讲究1、要选好适宜搬家的“良辰美景” 1, choose the right place to move. 位理学上有句话“吉地也要良辰催”,因此,择日是必须的。通常搬家时宜选择“水”日,最好不要用“火”日,阳日选择阴时,阴日配合阳辰。郑博士提醒:选择好吉日,还要看吉日这天是否与家人生肖相冲,如果冲这要调整;另外,在择日基础上还要找出当天具体的适宜时辰,定出适宜的搬家时间。通常情下搬家要在下午三点之前完成,否则夜间搬家可能影响你的运气。具体择日可参看郑博士的“2015羊年的搬家好日子”,当然最好参看郑博士《高端精英人士商务风水指南》,该指南列出了吉日、吉时和相关属相冲忌。 There is a saying in the science that "the land is also in need of the good", therefore, the day is a must. Usually choose "water" day when moving, it is best not to use "fire" day, the sun day chooses Yin, Yin and Yang Chen. Dr. Zheng reminds us that choosing a good day is the day of the day if you want to adjust to the Chinese zodiac. In addition, the appropriate time of the day is also determined on the basis of choosing a date, and the appropriate moving time is determined. Usually, moving is done before 3 p.m., or the night move may affect your luck. Specific date can see Dr Zheng's "2015" during the moving day, had better see Dr Zheng, of course, the high-end elite business feng shui guide, the guide lists the auspicious day, ji and related animal sign and cream. 讲究2、要选好适宜搬家的具体路线 2, choose a specific route for moving 从位理学来看搬家要符合来路的玄空卦理,这样就可减少很多不必要的灾晦,像是二十四山中从戍至乙属干坎艮震四阳卦,从辰到辛乃巽离坤兑四阴卦,从阳卦搬入阴卦或从阴卦迁至阳卦是为吉祥,若是由阴入阴、阳入阳那就算不吉了。 Move from a physical route xuan's empty diagram, so that it can reduce a lot of unnecessary disaster situations, like 24 in the mountains from our to b belong to Mr Gen shock four Yang hexagrams, from birth to simba is four Yin xun from the gentry against the hexagrams, from Yin from Yang terms into Yin or terms to Yang is auspicious, if by Yin Yin and Yang into the Yang that if not auspicious. 郑博士通俗的说,就是朋友们要选择好搬家行进的路线,注意避开某些方位和某些地方,比如医院、教堂、大铁塔等。实在不能避开这些地方经过,那么。通常在经过时要燃香、撒红纸片为宜。有些朋友不以为然,结果往往搬家后怪事多多。 Dr Zheng popular says, is to choose good friends move travel route, pay attention to avoid some orientation and some places, such as hospitals, churches, big tower, etc. I can't really avoid these places, so. It is usually advisable to burn incense and spread red paper when passing. Some friends don't think so. 讲究3、要选择新枕头搬家 Choose a new pillow to move 位理学认为“入伙”是人丁气场的转移,因此需要枕头先入伙:按照家人的数量,启用新的枕头开门入宅。按照个人床位分别摆放。在香港、新加坡等地华人,还在枕头内装有信封,内藏138元,以图“一生发”之意。 It is thought that "joining the gang" is a transfer of the people's gas field, so it is necessary to get the pillow first: the new pillows are opened to the house according to the number of families. According to individual beds respectively. In Hong Kong, Singapore and other places, the Chinese people still have envelopes inside their pillows, and they hide 138 yuan in an attempt to "make a living".

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