





必备搬家常识 Common sense 首先安排好时间。一次搬家一般需要2—4小时不等。若距离远、堵车、或搬运的物品多,则可能时间更长。其次要提前预约搬家车辆,让其按时到达,按时开始搬家。如果物品较多,一车拉不完,最好同时预约多辆车,一次将物品拉走,可以节省时间。另外遇到雨、雪天,最好选择有篷的汽车,以免将物品弄湿。再次要提前收拾好东西。体积较大的箱、柜里的物品要事先取出以免搬家工人抬不动;鞋子等零碎物品最好用纸箱装起来,以免遗失;现金、首饰等贵重的小件物品要随身携带;餐具、茶具等易碎物品要单独包装、单独搬运,以免弄碎。只要事先做好充分的准备,您的搬家一定会非常顺利的。 First arrange the time. A move usually takes two to four hours. Long distances, traffic jams, or moving items may take longer. Next, make an appointment to make an appointment for the moving vehicle to arrive on time and start the move on time. If there are more items, a car is not complete, it is better to make an appointment with several cars at the same time, to pull the goods away at once, can save time. In addition to the rain, snow day, it is best to choose a car with a canopy to avoid getting things wet. You have to pick up the stuff in advance. Bulky boxes and cabinets should be removed beforehand so that no moving workers can be carried. It is best to pack the shoes and other pieces to avoid losing them. Cash, jewelry and other valuable small items should be carried around; Tableware, tea sets and other fragile items should be packed separately and handled separately so as not to be broken. As long as you are fully prepared, your move will be very smooth. 一、搬家前: 1. Before moving:   搬家前十天:如果您的新居在装修,请确认竣工日,建议您环保通风一周。在此期间,您可以通知搬家公司来人评估,确定搬家日期。尽早准备各式包装材料。 10 days before the move: if your new house is being decorated, please confirm the completion date and suggest that you have a week of environmental ventilation. During this time, you can inform the moving company to assess the relocation date. Prepare various packing materials as soon as possible.   搬家前七天:丈量新房各房间大小,丈量大型家俱电器尺寸,规划新居家俱配置图(注意别让大型家俱挡住插座)。然后将所有物品分类整理,处理废弃物品。建议您把添置新家俱日期与搬家日期错开。 Seven days before relocation: measure the size of each room, measure the size of large furniture appliances, plan the layout of the new furniture furniture. (pay attention not to let large furniture block the socket). Then classify all items and dispose of discarded items. You are advised to stagger the date of the new furniture and the date of the move.   搬家前五天:清理家俱橱柜,喷洒杀虫剂,避免把蟑螂带到新居。将新居彻底清扫干净,在墙角和排水口喷洒杀虫剂。检查新居的马桶排水孔是否畅通,天花板和墙面是否漏水,是否还有需要补修的地方。切记将家中电脑硬盘的重要数据做好备份,以防万一。拆除复杂视听设备线路时,最好在线路和端子上做好编号。 Five days before the move: clear furniture cabinets, spray pesticides and avoid taking cockroaches to new homes. Clean the new house thoroughly, spraying insecticide at the corner and drain. Check whether the toilet of the new house is unblocked, the ceiling and walls are leaking, and there is still room for repair. Be sure to back up the important data on your computer's hard drive just in case. When removing complex audio and visual equipment lines, it is best to number the lines and terminals.   搬家前三天: Three days before the move: (1)接通有线电视信号线 (2)办理电话停机或移机手续 (3)向物业或电力、煤气、自来水公司查询最后使用度数,暂停银行代缴业务 (4)通知邮政和送奶公司变更地址 (5)通知亲友变更地 (6)拆装空调和热水器,冰箱清洗和除霜 (7)将证件、首饰、存折、有价证券集中保管,如有必要存到银行保险箱。 (1) through the cable TV signal line (2) the phone downtime or switching formalities (3) to the property or electricity, gas, water company queries using degree finally, suspended bank acting capture (4) notify the post and send milk company which changes its address to (6) (5) notify the relatives and friends to tear open outfit air conditioning and water heater, refrigerator cleaning and defrosting (7) certificate, jewelry, passbook, the centralized securities depository, if necessary to bank safety deposit box.

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