





一、搬迁前的准备工作 1. Preparation before relocation   1、委派相关人员确认客户公司旧仓库和新仓库有关场地大小、布局摆放等现场布局情况。 1. Appoint relevant personnel to confirm the site layout of the old warehouse and new warehouse of the customer company.   2、确认所搬物资数量。 2. Confirm the quantity of materials to be moved.   3、确认搬场时间:计划****年**月**日开始——****年**月**日结束。 3. Confirm the date of the move: the plan   4、确认搬场参与人员:包括搬迁总协调、搬迁班组负责人。 4. Confirmation of the personnel involved in the relocation: including the total coordination of the relocation and the head of the relocation team.   5、确认所用车辆类型及数量如:货车**辆(2.4m*6.2m、8T以上);叉车*辆(3T左右)。 5. Confirm the type and quantity of vehicles (2.4 m * 6.2 m, 8T); Forklift truck (about 3T).   6、货车跟进押车人员:由甲方提供。 6. Truck follow up personnel: provided by party a.   7、部分物品人工搬运人员数。 7. Number of manual handling personnel for some items.   8、确认搬运场所需设备、工具:如手动液压车(6部)、搬运货车(暂定8部)、叉车(暂定4辆)等。 8. Confirm the equipment and tools for the handling of the site: such as the manual hydraulic vehicle (6 parts), the porter (8 parts) and the forklift (temporary 4), etc.   二、搬场过程中的相关要求 Ii. Relevant requirements of the moving process   1、人员精神饱满、衣服整洁、决不允许拖鞋,到达搬运地点为上午7:00前,不准迟报。 1. The staff is full of spirit, clean clothes, and never allow slippers, and arrive at the place of transportation until 7:00 a.m., without delay.   2、各就各位:明确各自职责以及安全事项。 2. Everyone: clear responsibilities and security matters.   3、搬运物品时根据甲方预设编号依次进行。 3. According to the preset number of party a, the items shall be carried out in sequence.   4、装车、卸车两个工作现场确保有序进行。 4. Two working scenes of loading and unloading are ensured in an orderly manner.   5、确保通道时刻保持畅通。 5. Ensure that the channel is kept open at all times.   6、中午统一用餐和休息,同时我方协调人员再次与甲方沟通确认下午工作事项。 6. At noon, we will have a unified dinner and rest. Meanwhile, our coordinator will communicate with party a to confirm the work items in the afternoon.   7、根据物品搬运工作完成情况临时决定下午下班时间。 7. According to the handling work of the goods, the time of work will be temporarily determined.

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