





搬家公司的活动其实就是一种物流活动,其物流活动包括运输、装卸、搬运、包装等。 Moving company activity is a kind of logistics activity, its logistics activities include transportation, loading and unloading, handling, packing and so on. 搬家公司和客户之间涉及着多种合同,合同当事人除了遵守合同法,还要按照针对具体情况的分则中的要求行事。 The moving company and the client are involved in a variety of contracts, and the parties are required to act in accordance with the specific conditions in addition to the contract law. 如果搬家公司的员工在搬运的时候不小心损坏或弄丢了客户的东西,对客户造成了直接的经济损失。其责任则在搬家公司那一边,搬家公司应该承担对客户造成的损失,理应按照合同法的规定对客户进行相应的赔偿,直到客户满意。如果客户对搬家公司的赔偿不满意,则可以通过双方协商共同解决。如果私下解决不了,则可以通过诉讼由法庭来解决。当然,如果是客户自己造成的,则责任和所造成的损失应由客户自己承担。 If the employees of a moving company are not careful to damage or lose customers when they move, they cause a direct economic loss to the customer. Its responsibility in the moving company, moving company should bear the losses to the customer, should, in accordance with relevant provisions of the contract law of the corresponding compensation with the customers, until customer satisfaction. If the customer is dissatisfied with the compensation of the moving company, it can be settled through mutual consultation. If not, it can be settled by the court. Of course, if the customer is responsible, the responsibility and the loss should be borne by the customer. 最后最重要的是,当自己找搬家公司来帮自己搬家时,一定要与搬家公司签订合同。签了搬家合同就有了法律保障,就算搬家公司在搬运的过程中不小心损坏或弄丢了东西,也好依法找搬家公司索赔。如果没签合同,就算损坏或弄丢了东西,如果没亲眼看到是谁造成的话,在多数情况下,也只好自认倒霉了。 Last but not least, when you find the moving company to help you move, you must sign a contract with the moving company. Signed a contract to move have legal protection, even if moving company in the process of handling accidentally damaged or lost, or find a moving company claim for compensation in accordance with the law. If you don't sign the contract, if you lose or lose something, if you don't see who caused it, in most cases, you'll have to be unlucky.

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