





搬家入宅是一件大喜事,也是人生中的一个新开始,在如此重要的日子里,自然是要特别注意小心,很多地方都不可小视。不论是家庭搬家还是公司搬家,都需要择日而为,接下来张老师带大家看看,搬家要注意哪些意事项,以及2016年搬家吉日供朋友们参考。 Move into the house is a great thing, is also a new start in life, in such an important day, nature is to pay special attention to be careful, many places can be reckoned. A family move or a company move, all need a date for, the teacher zhang show everybody, move to pay attention to what matters, in 2016 and moving day for friends reference. 一,新宅坐向:朝东者忌在巳,酉,丑(三合金)日子搬家;朝西者忌在亥,卯,未(三合木)日子搬家;朝南者忌在申,子,辰(三合水)日子搬家;坐北者忌在寅,午,戌(三合火)日子搬家。搬家一定要选一个适合(户主)男女主人的黄道吉日。搬家的日子不可与家人的生肖及日柱,(农历生日的地支相冲),尤其忌与屋主之日柱相刑冲。搬家的时间,要选水日,忌用火日,不仅要选择吉日,还得选择吉时。注意,夜间搬家可能会影响运气,最好在中午12点之前安放灶台开火,烧开水,有财源滚滚的寓意。孕妇是不宜参与搬家的,万一非搬不可时,要让孕妇先行离开旧宅现场。 One, the new house sit to: the east person is not to be in the third, unitary, ugly (3 alloy) the day move; The west must not be moved in the day. The people who are facing the south are not asked to move. In the north, the day of moon, the afternoon, the day of the three fire. Move house must choose a suitable (householder) the huangdao auspicious day of the host. The date of the move is not to be with the Chinese zodiac and the Japanese column, especially the day column of the house. The time to move house, should choose water day, avoid to use fire day, not only choose the auspicious day, still have to choose ji. Note that the night move may affect luck. It is best to fire the hearth before 12:00 noon and burn the water and have the means of money. Pregnant women should not be involved in moving, and should be allowed to leave the old house in case of non-moving.

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